Prosíme záujemcov o štart na MS WSA Zuberec (on-snow) 2020 aby do 27.12.2019 potvrdili záujem o reprezentáciu na email ŠTK a kópiou na email prezídia Konečná súpiska reprezentácie bude schválená na prezídiu 29.12.2019 a náslewdne zverejená na webe. Následne vybraní reprezentanti budú musieť uhradiť plné štartovné do 15.1.2020.
Informácie o preteku (v angličtine):
Please find below the details for the 2020 WSA World Championship Sprint & Mid-Distance in Zuberec/Slovakia. The Championship will take place from 6 – 9 February 2020.
Program (provisional):
- Stake out opens: 5 February @ 10:00 hrs
- Vet check: 5 & 6 February
- First team leader meeting: 6 February @ 14:00 hrs
- Opening ceremony: 6 February @ 18:00 hrs
- Further team leader meetings: 7, 8 and 9 February @ 7:30 hrs
- Start prologue Mid-Distance: 6 February @ 16:30 hrs
- First start first heat Sprint: 7 Februay @ 8:30 hrs
- Mushers’ dinner: 8 February @ 19:00 hrs
- Price giving ceremony: 9 February @ 15:30 hrs
Race Marshal: Arno Steichler
- Fee to secure starting places: €15 per place. This is a non-refundable fee that will be deducted from the starting fee. Should the Championship need to be cancelled, this fee will remain with the organizers to cover the costs they incurred.
- First start: €120 (this includes 2 vouchers for the mushers’ dinner for adult competitors and 1 for juniors; additional vouchers for the mushers’ dinner can be bought at the first team leader meeting)
- Second start: €50
- Juniors: Free
- Late payment fees for entries/payments received after the first payment deadline: €20 (applies also to juniors)
- Please note: All payments have to be made by our national Members. Payments by individual mushers will be returned.
- 17 December: Registrations open at 20:00hrs CET
- 31 December: Final deadline for WSA Members to request starting places
- 3 January: Deadline for WSA Members to pay fees to secure starting places
- 21 January: First payment deadline
- 28 January: Second (final) payment deadline
- Changes to classes entered can be made by the team leader up until 18:00 hrs on the day before the first start
- National WSA Members have to request the number of starting places they require no later than 31 December
- From 17 December @ 20:00 hrs, mushers will be able to register by going to
- All competitors have to be confirmed by our national Members. Members will receive a list of their competitors for approval no later than 21 January
Further information:
Event website:
Facebook page: