V krátkosti:

Z dôvodu nepriaznivej pandemickej situácii v celej Európe a teda z dôvodu obavy o zdravie účastníkov a takisto aj z dôvodu, že nie je možné zabezpečiť atraktívne a férové konkurenčné prostredie, pre športovcov, hodné majstrovstiev sveta, asociácia WSA spolu s organizátorom (FFST France) rozhodla o odložení majstrovstiev sveta Dryland 2020 vo Francúzsku. Bližšie informácie o novom termíne nie sú zverejnené, avšak bude závisieť od aktzuálnej pandemickej situácie vo svete.

Pôvodná správa WSA (v angličtine):

Dear Members,

The recent increase of Covid-19 cases across Europe has made it clear that, for us, it’s time to re-calibrate. We all want the WSA Dryland World Championship to offer fair and exciting races at the highest level of our sport. But bringing people together for a race in this particular year is looking increasingly problematic.

The widely varying and constantly-shifting guidelines that each country is putting in place to combat the pandemic make it difficult to create a level playing field for all competitors that we would require for a World Championship.

Whilst no one can accurately predict what will happen in the next few weeks, we, together with the host of this year’s Championship, our French member FFST, have therefore taken the decision to postpone the WSA Dryland World Championship 2020 in Lamotte-Beuvron (France) to the earliest date in the future on which a championship can be held again in a fair and inclusive manor.

A lot of work has already gone into the preparations for the event and we would like to thank the team of the French Federation led by Arnaud Eggemann for all the hard work that they have put into organising our Championship to date. We are as disappointed as they are that force majeure prevents us from going ahead with the event in November but we are convinced that it will be an outstanding event once it can go ahead safely.

We sincerely hope that the WSA on-snow Championships will be able to go ahead as planned and are hoping to see many of you in Sweden in March 2021.

In the meantime, please stay safe and well.

The WSA Board